559 Church Street (near Rt. 71) Spring Lake Heights, New Jersey, USA
Visiting Brethren Always Welcome !
If you are not a Freemason, but are curious about our organization or want to join, check out the Masonic information for Non-Masons.
If you are interested in what's happening at Wall/Spring Lake Lodge this month then read the World Wide Web version of the Lodge's trestleboard.
If you are looking for more Masonic resources on the Internet, then try our Links to Other Masonic Pages.
The Grand Lodge of New Jersey's Homepage
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of New Jersey
The Shrine of North America Homepage
Masonic Service Association of North America
International Law Enforcement Officer's Square Club
soc.org.freemasonry Usenet Newsgroup (moderated)
alt.freemasonry Usenet Newsgroup
alt.masonic.members Usenet Newsgroup
Information on Masonic Mailing list servers